Recyclers News Press
Page 19
Bill Brauch Retires in July
Iowa Attorney General Consumer Protection Division
Whitney to head state's
Consumer Protection Division
Thursday, June 04, 2015 – Iowa Attorney General
Tom Miller announced Wednesday that Assistant At-
torney General Jessica Whitney will serve as the next
director of the Consumer Protection Division. She
succeeds Bill Brauch, who will retire July 15 after 20
years in that position. Whitney began in the division
in 2004. She has been a lead staff attorney in several
multistate consumer investigations involving for-profit
colleges and debt collection practices. "Jessica
brings a rich mix of great professional competence,
ability and judgment, a zeal for protecting consumers,
a great work ethic, and wonderful people skills," Mil-
ler said a release. "She's an excellent attorney and a
true advocate on behalf of consumers."
Brauch had also served as the Chair of the NMVTIS
Advisory Board. Iowa Automotive Recyclers wish Bill
a great retirement and THANK YOU for your service
and advice to our industry. We are very glad the Iowa
NMVTIS Law was passed during Bill’s tenure!
http://www.businessrecord.com/Content/Law- Government/Law-Government/Article/Whitney-to-head-state-s- Consumer-Protection-Division/164/788/68983#ixzz3dGXuNO1p