Recyclers News Press
Page 23
Surefire Ways to De-motivate Salespeople
Everyone wants to know:
How do I motivate my sales
But what if the simplest fix is to just stop doing
the things that de-motivate your sales crew? Here are
3 things to avoid that erode the motivation:
1. Micromanagement
--The act of managing with ex-
cessive control will stifles creativity and motivation.
Think about an overbearing boss you've had in the
past and then evaluate your managers within this pic-
Solutions: Train the manager to allow sales reps
more autonomy.
2. Lack of training
--Training for salespeople usually
falls into three primary categories--sales, product and
technical. Without addressing each of these at some
level, sales reps have to fill the gap themselves, dif-
fusing their focus--and eroding sales and motivation.
Solution: Identify where the team as a whole needs
development in addition to individuals.
3. Poor customer service
--Your sales rep just
landed a sale based on a promise. Not delivering on
that promise makes salespeople look bad and they
lose confidence in the company and motivation to sell.
Solution: Clearly define the expectations for the dis-
mantlers and shipping crew to maintain continuity with
the sales reps.
If you find that your organization is doing any of these
things, you can make the change to improve. You
may find that with some simple adjustments, your
sales team will thrive!