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RAS Buying Recall Switches
ARA continues to educate all stake-
holders in the parts recall process
about the unique and critical role,
which professional automotive recy-
clers play in deciding what happens to
recycled OEM parts and how
crucial it is for recyclers to have part
numbers when making supply chain
decisions. This issue will be central to
the nation's automotive safety agenda
for the foreseeable future and ARA
September / October 2014
Iowa Auto Recyclers
Inside this issue:
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Summer Outing 2013 R
Rebuilders Automotive Supply (RAS)
has been hired by General Motors to
coordinate the purchase and return of
certain used parts, which are subject
to a product safety ignition switch re-
call, from aftermarket customers and
salvage yards.
RAS is looking
to purchase cer-
tain GM Ignition
Switches, as de-
fined on page
14, for $75 per
ignition switch.
These parts can
be listed under
Ignition Switch or Steering Col-
umn part types
, depending how your
yard inventories these parts. Please
identify if you have any of these parts
you want to sell and use the instruction
sheet on page 15 to complete the sale.
The part numbers subject to the recall
are: GM / AC Delco Ignition & Start
Switch service part number 10392423.
This is an important activity and both
RAS and GM appreciate your prompt
tance in
not re-
parts but
your in-
via pur-
chase and shipment to RAS.
Additional part numbers for Ignition &
Start Switch Housing Kits are also
listed on page14.
ARA Compels OEM to Provide Info
RAS pays $75 per ignition switch