Attitude isEverything
The IowaAutomotiveRecyclershosted
the 3
Annual Hill DayonMarch 6,
2014 inDesMoines .
The event was a
fun filled scheduleof meetings, reception
and talkingwith Legislators. This
year the day at theCapitol fell in
themidst of workingwith theDOT andour
Lobbyist, JimPiazza Jr. andSenator Tod
Bowman, TransportationChairman, to
pass a bill that wouldmore clearly define
thoseentities required tobe licensed auto
March / April 2014
Iowa Auto Recyclers
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Attitude is theway you view
your life, your experiences in
the automotive salvage busi-
ness and your experiences
outside thebusiness. Attitude
is how you deal with your op-
portunities, your problems
and choices and then your
responses to the results.
Losers always see thunder-
storms.Winners always see
rainbows. Losers see all mis-
haps of icy streetswhilewin-
ners put on their ice skates.
Losers are always putting
down andwinners arealways
liftingup. Losers let life hap-
pen to them.Winnersmake
life happen for them andothers.Winning
and losing areall about attitude. Letme
sharewith you a story about awise, little
boywhowanted to changehis situation.
Therewas a big bully down the street
whowas always bothering this little boy.
The little boywas trying toget his nerve
up to standup to thebully, but hewas still
too afraid.Well oneday, his father bought
him a new telescopehoping todivert his
son’s thoughts. His sonwas out in the
front yard, playingwith it, but hewas look-
ing through thewrong end. Instead, he
was looking through thebig side.
IowaHill DaySuccess